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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Steps To Take For Internal Rebuilding After Floods

By Byron Jonas

A disaster checklist will be helpful when assessing property damage after a natural disaster. Internal rebuilding after floods can be hurried along if homeowners are able to identify damage caused by high winds or flooding. The checklist could include items to inspect such as the roof, foundation, interior walls and all utility services. It can remind homeowners to check for certain hidden damages too.

Quick inspections will show that some areas of the home received minor damage. Replacing window screens, decorative shutters, and siding may be all that is needed for the family to move back in. Severely damaged homes will require more scrutiny. Internal safety reviews could reveal rooms filled with standing water. If water is not removed soon, the cost to repair the damage could soar.

Damages can be kept to a minimum if water logged items are removed immediately from the home. Standing water may cause damages that are simply cosmetic in nature or the damages could be significant enough to make the home inhabitable. Rebuilding the home from the ground up may be necessary if a significant amount of structural damage has occurred.

A building inspector will certify that a home is safe. That approval is granted after an inspection is completed that covers all wiring, plumbing and the sewage system. After purchasing a building permit, homeowners will be ready to assess damage and plan repairs. Hazardous materials will be identified, and safely removed from the property.

Carpeting will need to be removed from the home if it is saturated. The water line caused by flood waters will show on walls throughout the house. Sheetrock and baseboards that were damaged by high water levels will need to be ripped out and removed from the home.

Building contractors are equipped with items such as fans, blowers, heaters and pumps that aid in the drying process. Some areas of a house will have to dry naturally to avoid warping. Pumps will allow homeowners to remove mud and other sediments that were brought into the residence by flood waters. All interior spaces of the home should be inspected for debris.

Ensure flow through air vent systems under the house are unobstructed and that vent holes under the sub flooring are free of debris. Internal rebuilding after floods could take months to complete. Mold growth is a big concern because it can make a home inhabitable. Shrubbery may have to be removed from the property if it obstructs water drainage off the property.

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