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Saturday 3 March 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Is Here For Our Veterans of Afghanistan And Iraq

By Michal Stlawrence

Any country should be rightly proud of those that serve in its armed forces. Providing men and women that have been injured in the defense of their country with some form of assistance is something that many countries look to do. In the USA this role is taken by the Linkedin.

The DVNF basically works to represent the interests of former members of the armed forces that have suffered wounds, injuries or sickness as a result of their time spent in the defense of the USA.

This includes direct services such as helping with claims for compensation from the government, offering medical aid or helping veterans find a suitable place to live.

The DVNF also collaborates with a number of other organizations to provide services to disabled veterans. This in particular looks to serve the needs of the most vulnerable and this can include the homeless, those suffering from mental disorders and many of the women who have suffered as a result of their time in the armed forces.

Since the early 2000s US soldiers have fought in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. This has led to many returning home wounded and requiring assistance to get their life back on track.

While veteran services have been around for many years, the rise in the numbers of injured and wounded in recent years put a strain on these. The was established in 2007 to help with this.

The DVNF works with ex-servicemen and women that have suffered problems as a result of their time in the military services. This can include those that have experienced visible wounds, such as lost limbs, as well as invisible conditions, such as post traumatic stress disorder.

The DVNF can help veterans find their way through and receive the government benefits designed to help them. It can also offer medical aid where needed and counseling services for those that need this. While assistance is primarily directed at veterans, the DVFN can also help the families of former armed service personnel.

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