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Friday 16 March 2012

The Function Of Canadian Satire In Society

By Dawn Bradford

Canadian satire is very prevalent inside their news media. Spoofs are used within the nation as a way of dealing with the political situations they face. Sarcasm and biting wit are not special to Canada, although her citizens willingly embrace it. This type of humor is present in music, literature, plays and remarks.

Irony has always played a vital role in the country as a form of social criticism. The idea is that individuals and the entire society will be led to examine themselves and improve. One group in Canada used to give a regular update on the kind of satirical media coverage that existed in the country. A list of the most satirized personalities was published every week.

Even politicians are occasionally foiled by humorists. Ironic commentary must never be taken literally. Whenever this occurs it usually has embarrassing consequences. The situation can be awkward when some people are aware of the facts and others are completely in the dark.

The country has amazing satirists who do not spare any aspect of life. The Royal Air Force, popular television shows and war activity are targeted in send ups. They also make fun of toques, free slots, beer drinking, hockey and other behavior that foreigners think Canadians participate in frequently.

Satirists criticize the things that are wrong in society in an indirect way and for that reason they often get away with a lot. However they do not always escape censorship. At times the people who are being attacked identify with the villain. This is not the intention of artists and reporters who work with this tool.

Canadian satire is meant to encourage change in society. However because it is indirect, it is sometimes misunderstood or provokes a reaction that is extreme. It provides a way for outsiders to understand Canadians better, since it exposes things that are normally swept under the carpet. canadian satire

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