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Sunday 25 March 2012

The Stability Of The Many Republican Forum Sites

By Eugenia Gilmore

Americans go to Republican Forum sites to counter a lot of the things said in the current election process. Conservatives man these sites with talk and observations that many people, of all political stripes, can agree with. The American values that can be read, here, are the ways things work.

When discussions are underway on these sites, the US Constitution is mentioned without all of the cuss words surrounding it. The talk is about things that are good and bad in our country and ways to remedy them, not make them worse. The effectiveness of class warfare, as in taxing the rich more, is shown for what it is.

The thoughtful postings and discussions that take place will list the many different ways the liberals, or statists, have been trying to destroy what has gone on before. The thoughts about the real cause for all of the economic problems are examined and solutions are batted around the way that real people would have those same discussions. These discussions are presented by people who have thought a lot about what those problems signify about the people who do not think about the Nation as they are legislating.

Values take up a large volume of the posts. The abortion issue and the current ones about the need for someone else to pay for contraceptives is certainly being discussed. The regulations that infringe on everyone's freedom and property rights are there, as well. Individualism is the order of the day when reading these posts.

You will not read any negative posts about this country. The posters know that America is the land of opportunity and a good portion of them have lived that type of life. The Federal government is supposed to protect property rights and individualism and they shout this on every page of the sites.

Something that you will also not see is the posters' pleading for somebody to do something about their problem. They do not want the government, at any level, to do something for them they could do themselves. The Republican Forum sites you will find will not be apologizing for America anywhere at any time. republican forum

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