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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Aztec Temples

By El Guaco

1 thing which the Aztecs are well identified for is their architecture. They are particularly known for their Aztec temples, which would have the shape of a pyramid. The thing which tends to make Aztec pyramids different from those found in Egypt is that Aztec pyramids virtually often come with steps. With the Aztec pyramid, you are able to walk from the bottom to the top from the outside by way of the steps, exactly where Egyptian pyramids require you to actually enter the structure from below. Architecturally, the Aztecs were highly developed, and their temples rivaled those of Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

To offer you an concept of how amazing the Aztec temples are, Hernan Cortes, the conqueror of the Aztec empire, said that Tenochtitlan, the capital city, was one of the most wonderful cities he had ever seen. The capital city was a planned city, and it was laid out in a grid which was split into avenues and split within five quarters. These five quarters represented the five directions that had been known to the Aztecs, and these had been the east, west, north, south, and center. A temple would generally be constructed on one of the directions. A lot of of the Aztec temples were replaced by Spanish churches immediately after they conquered the country in 1521.

The Huitzilopochtli Temple in Tehnochtitlan

Though the Aztec cities had a lot of temples, there was one temple which was more significant than the rest, and this was the Huitzilopochtli Temple, which was the biggest construction inside the city. It ought to also be noted that the sacred area of the city could also be located here. Several maps show the layout of Tehnochtitlan, and one of the most well known will be the codex mendoza. On the map, the five significant directions will probably be represented by a group of triangles which can be placed in positions around an eagle which is sitting on a cactus. These maps also tell us quite a bit about the religious values that the Aztecs held.

Like the Egyptians, the pyramids was sacred for the Aztecs. The Aztec legends reveal that they had been told by Huitzilopochtli that they were suppposed to construct a temple on the location exactly where they saw an eagle resting on a cactus, and it was at this location that the temple was devoted. It must be noted that this architectural work of art was a twin temple. The temple may be located inside the center of the city, and it must also be noted that though the Aztecs constructed pyramids like the Egyptians, their purpose of developing them was a bit different.

The Egyptian pyramids had been practically constantly erected as a burial place, a memorial for the Egyptian nobility who passed away. But Aztec temples had been not largely utilized for this objective, they had been largely utilized as areas where human sacrifices may be carried out. In the infamous sacrifice, the victim will be taken to the top of the pyramid, where his heart would be taken out, and the body would often be tossed down the steps.

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