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Thursday 29 March 2012

Democratic Forum Ideals And Perspectives

By Toni Howe

Democrats have long led the nation toward a system of progressive values which challenge the inequities of tradition and address the needs of change. Party values include civil rights, green initiatives, and fair funding for public programs. The Democratic forum views and values have shaped the liberal caucuses of our nation to meet the needs of an ever growing and ever evolving state. democratic forum

The concerns of citizens from minority groups are addressed by the democratic platform of progress and idealistic society. These core, primary party preferences do not lose priority with the Presidency or other elected Democrat positions.

The main goals of the Democratic Party are at present focused on stopping the conservative agenda that unfairly targets women, gay and lesbian citizens, immigrants, students, and soldiers. Fairly derived and distributed sources fuel, income, and healthcare also retain priority focus.

The educational reformation of current federal policy regarding public, private, and charter school education has also been addressed by the Democratic party. Legislation that was inherited from the conservative leadership of the past Presidency has had a devastating effect on our national school system. Liberal leaders seek to correct these discrepancies and disadvantages by implementing new checks and balances, funding resources, and teacher training guidelines.

Earth friendly initiatives are held as staples of the liberal agenda. Progressive administrations have consistently provided funding for alternative fuel exploration, innovation, and education. Democrats understand that as traditional fuel sources run out, progressive action must be taken to fill the fuel gap. Foreign dependency is no longer a feasible way to fill up our gas tanks.

Republican leaders have backed the United States into a corner regarding foreign policy ventures and gains. The last decade has been war ravaged, expensive, and left a gap to be filled by the next generation of citizens. Progressive leaders favor peaceful resolution, creative solutions, and reasonable conflict compromise to bloody and expensive wars.

Democrats are prepared to take on the needs of a progressing nation. These needs are best met by a forum that addresses the actual concerns of the nations. Vote democrat to promote party values which change America for the better.

Voting for the Democratic party candidates is the best chance for our nation. If we collectively contribute to equal society, we more easily attain it. Democratic forum views and values are the best for our nation.

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