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Sunday 4 March 2012

Making The Most Of Trade Unions Australia

By Maryann Boyle

A trade union can offer advice and guidance on a wide range of employment issues. Becoming part of trade unions Australia is likely to offer a number of benefits for employees enabling them to feel more secure in the workplace. A union can play an important role in negotiating employee conditions and in influencing wage rates.

A union can give employees greater power in dealing with their employer through attaining strength in numbers. Joining such an organization normally allows a person to feel that they no longer have to negotiate with their employer on an individual basis but can do so on a group basis with the support of their union. A workforce that has proper representation is likely to feel more secure in their employment and pay and conditions.

Being properly represented can help employees to deal with a range of workplace issues including requesting maternity leave or a change to their working hours. Those with young children may for example want to request a reduction in their working hours or employment pattern. A union will typically be able to provide advice on the best way of making such a request and will be able to advise on procedures to follow if the request is turned down.

Many employees find that having the support and backing of a trade union enables them to feel more confident about facing difficult issues. People often seek advice when they feel they are being treated unfairly or being discriminated against by an employer. Those that are encountering bullying in the work place will probably benefit from the strength and advice that an employee organization can provide.

A union will typically work hard to ensure that its members have proper sickness and absence policies. This will give members the reassurance that they will continue to receive a proper wage if they suffer an illness or need to take time off. The setting up of proper absence policies will help employees to be sure of how many days leave they are entitled to and the procedure for requesting it.

Becoming a member of trade unions Australia will generally encourage employees to feel more contented and secure in their workplace. Any troublesome issues can be accessed and dealt with early on before they cause real difficulties. A happy and confident workforce will normally be advantageous to an employer as employees are more likely to be more committed and to work hard.

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