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Friday 23 March 2012

A Political TV Spot Production Is Harder Than It Seems

By Petra Berg

Selecting the individuals who will run the government is a complex problem for citizens. The will of the people is a much touted premise despite the reality that the popular vote is not the ultimate answer. Thus in order to get the information to the people the political TV spot production is critical.

It is a complex thing to try and package a concept or idea clearly and concisely. Anyone who has tried to write a speech knows how hard it can be to reduce thoughts to simple expressions. But with the costs of commercial air time, brevity is critical.

Convincing someone that there is another way to view a topic is even more complicated. Given the importance of the issues of our times, everyone has an idea of what they think is right. Getting them to adopt a different view within sixty seconds is a demanding task.

In addition to the hard facts that must be addressed, there is the notion of candidate personality to present. Knowing what is important the constituents about their representative is a tricky business. Managing how the characteristics of an individual are perceived by the public can be extremely challenging in such short sound-bite opportunities.

This may explain why there are so many negative ads in a campaign. It is far easier to find or exaggerate a negative trait the opposing candidate may exhibit than to prove what a great person one is. Sadly, the implication of wrong-doing or the stretching of facts can be as effective as truth.

Flawed, inaccurate or dubious, the political TV spot production is still a primary source of information. Despite our cumulative disdain for mean-spirited or egregiously inaccurate advertisements, most rely on them for information. The onus of ferreting out the real information from the fluff rests with the voting population. political tv spot production

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