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Friday 9 March 2012

The Causes Of The Cold War

By Dean James

The open conflict which happened between the world's 2 super powers, the Soviet Union and the USA was considered as the lengthiest non-conflict engagement war in history. It was called the Cold War. The two sides both had specific allies; the NATO lead United States Of America controlling Western Europe and the Warsaw Agreement directed thru the Soviet Union governing the Eastern side of Europe.

The undoing of the USSR in 1991 ended this conflict that started shortly after World War Ii climaxed in 1945. All though this period there was hardly any real military contact from either side therefore the use of the word 'cold'. Yet all through the Vietnam and Korean Wars, though the Cold War was there, some shots were fired; even though indirectly.

As the Japanese and Fascist militaries were defeated in the second world war, which suggested the 2 major powers, the USA and the USSR were left in opposition. Both sides had different types of economies together with the types of govt.. The USSR operated a Commie govt. while the US ran a capitalist one and due to conflict of interest, this descended into direct opposition.

Let alone unite; both ideologies never saw head to head. The Cold War worsened rather more as the Red ideals being spread were replies to the Capitalists ' policies. After the fall of the 3rd Reich, the Soviet Union held a free reign inside Europe with its Allies coping with the various areas that bordered the USSR to the West.

The Iron Curtain appeared when Europe was split. Soviet ideologies and invasion along with precise enlargement further pushed concern and insecurity in the West. After the execution of the Truman Doctrine, the West guaranteed military help and monetary support to any countries which resisted Communism. In the early 60's Europe was forcefully split into two blocks. This made it a potential battlefield for looming World War III and atomic warfare. Finally the Cold War had spread out around the globe with very little states being sucked in, generating an even bigger split globally.

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