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Sunday 25 March 2012

Some Advice On Christian Voters Guide

By Petra Berg

The McCain and Obama campaigns are putting their full force in the final campaign of the presidential race. Senator Obama has been making multiple campaigns to Nevada. The McCain campaign is distributing Christian voters guide flyers in Las Vegas. The flyers have been designed by the Christian and Catholic Answers Action.

The flyers are printed in both Spanish and English. The purpose is to help Christians and Catholics in the city of Las Vegas cast their votes in an informed manner. They want voters to cast their votes in accordance with the moral teachings of Christianity.

The claim is this will avoid selecting the candidate who would be endorsing the wrong policies. These would be policies, which are not reconciled with the moral norms held by the Christians and Catholics in general. For this, they are referencing several documents including the Catechism belonging to the Catholic Church.

The claim is they do not promote any particular candidate or even any politics party. Their own focus is actually on 5 issues that they say are nonnegotiable. These types of issues are human cloning, homosexual marriage, research involving embryonic stem cells, abortion and euthanasia.

Based on the guides, these 5 issues connect with actions, which are fundamentally evil and must be disallowed legally. Such bad actions would be in fundamental conflict of the law associated with God. These should never be permitted to be performed under any conditions.

The guides offer five advices to tell people how not to vote. The guide advises people of what actions to take in case there is no suitable candidate. Folks can vote for the campaigner who agrees to the least of the positions. People could vote for the candidate who is least likely to advance the legislations that are termed immoral. Lastly, the Christian voters guide also advices no votes if there are no deserving candidates. christian voters guide

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