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Thursday 22 March 2012

Aztec Clothing

By Eddie Montezuma

The Aztec clothing could be defined as the a variety of types of attire that had been worn by the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican peoples that lived in the Aztec Empire. It ought to be noted that the clothing styles preferred by the Aztecs had been also comparable to the clothing that was worn by lots of other groups in Mexico and much of Mesoamerica. Like any culture, the Aztecs had been influenced by their environment, and their style of clothing is really distinct. By far the most basic form of clothing that an Aztec could wear is the breechcloth, which was known as "maxtlatl."

Standard Aztec Clothing

The breechcloth was a sort of Loincloth that will be comprised of a piece of material. This piece of material would normally be in the shape of a rectangle, and it would be placed between the thighs of the individual who wore it. It will be held together by either a belt or string. The main objective of the breechcloth was to conceal the genitals, and by itself, it did not supply a great deal of protection against either the sun or parasites. The Aztecs would normally wear the breechcloth under a cloak or cape, and this cloak would be known as the tilmatli. The tilmatli was significant to the Aztec, and the kind worn would determine the status of the individual who wore it in Aztec society.

Aztec Clothing For Women and men

Much of the clothes I've discussed so far had been worn by Aztec males. The women wore a blouse, which was named the huipilli, and they also wore a skirt called the cueitl. When these two words had been combined into "cueitl huipilli," the entire term was also utilized to refer to a woman. An additional kind of clothing that was really essential for the Aztec was sandals. Like the cape, the sort of sandals you wore determined your overall status in Aztec society. In most circumstances, only the males of the nobility would wear sandals, and numerous of the commoners didn't wear much foot wear. When entering the temples, all the Aztecs were required to go barefoot, and this likely included members of the nobility.

Another time in which Aztecs were not permitted to wear foot wear is when they stood before the emperor. Much of the clothing that the Aztecs wore played a practical role in their society. In a hot and tropical environment, sandals were preferred more than closed shoes, because it gave the feet a sizable amount of circulation, the foot would also not sweat so profusely. The Aztecs did not wear a large amount of garments basically because it was too hot to do so. Their clothing was designed for the warm environment in which they lived.

Aztec Jewelry And Gold

It must also be noted that the Aztec males wore clothes which were significantly more intricate than the girls, particularly in the case of priests or members of the the aristocracy. Feathers played an vital role to the Aztec, and the rich feathers worn by the ancient Aztecs have become world renowned. Jewelry was of great value, and the substantial amount of gold worn by the Aztecs is testament to the power and strength of their kingdom. The clothing worn by the Aztecs is incredibly distinct, and it's one of their most prominent characteristics.

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