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Tuesday 13 March 2012

Civilization of the Aztecs

By Eddie Montezuma

The Aztec civilization was an empire that controlled significant parts of what's currently Central America from the 14th till the 16th century. The dominant language spoken in the Aztec civilization was Nahuatl, although there had been other languages that had been spoken also. It really should also be noted that only a specific number of ethnic groups had been actual Aztecs, though many other groups became a element of the Aztec civilization. The capital city of Aztec empire was Tenochtitlan, and this city was located on the Lake Texcoco island. More often than not, the Aztec civilization is used to refer to all the city states which comprised the empire, and to non-historians, the Aztec Empire and also the Aztec Civilization are generally employed interchangeably.

Aztec Empire

Beginning in the13th century, the Valley of Mexico was thought as the heart of the Aztec empire, in addition to the capital city being located here, the Triple Alliance might be located here also. By the year 1520, the empire was believed to include as much as 20 million people. The empire of the Aztecs is unique from other mesoamerican civilizations in a number of unique ways. First, it has a lifestyle of mythologies and religious systems that were very complicated, and they achieved impressive successes in both architecture and art, achievements which rivaled Europe.


Another element that made the Aztec Empire unique was its penchant for human sacrifice. Whilst this practice was prevalent amongst other civilizations within the region, it was pretty evident amongst the Aztecs, especially for its brutality and its frequency. The Aztec civilization had achieved its greatest height and power by 1521, and it was in the course of this time that Hernan Cortes arrived in the region, defeating the Aztecs with both his own native army and a group of mesoamerican natives who desired to destroy the Aztecs once and for all.

The End Of Aztec Empire

The Triple Alliance, led by Moctezuma, was defeated in what became the end of the Aztec empire, and Cortes and his guys found Mexico City, the current capital of Mexico, upon the ashes of what was previously Tenochtitlan. Because the Aztec civilization was highly highly developed, the Aztecs left a record of their history, culture, religion, and conquests, and these have allowed archaeologists to find out as much as you possibly can concerning the civilization. The history is learned through codices produced from bark, as well as archaeological monuments just like the Templo Mayor.

The Sources Of History Of Aztec Civilization

Historians also find out much concerning the Aztec civilization via accounts made by people like Hernan Cortes. Aztec history was also maintained throughout the 17th century by monks and natives who understood the Nahuatl language, who wrote down details which was associated with it. Possibly one of the most popular of this details is the Florentine Codex. The Aubin Codex discussed that a group of about seven tribes lived inside Aztland, and they had been under the command of an superior who ruled the region. These tribes would eventually leave the location to find news lands in which they could reside. Once these tribes left, they had been commanded by their god not to refer to themselves as being Aztecs, but Mexican rather.

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