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Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Development Of Lingerie Styles And Its History

By Jayde Johannsen

Lingerie of some type or another have been around for many centuries and the development of lingerie styles continued throughout the ages.In the middle 1800's is when undergarments really started to be known as lingerie and sexier styling were seen as well.

In early Egypt it is considered to be where these styles were first recorded as such. Many various forms of garments were worn underneath during this time. In Ancient Greece a thin linen band was even worn across the breast of ladies, this could be the styling of the first bra's.

Under clothing was used in the Middle Ages to keep the noble people from ruining their very expensive clothing with debris and oils from their skin. Corsets were made fashionable within the 4th century and are still in fashion to this day.

Women wore the corsets to enhance their womanly figures under their dresses. They also added support for back and breasts. Farthingales were also fashioned and worn under the immense skirts of the day to amplify the hip region.

These really enhanced a woman's hourglass figure. The Farthingale was like a petticoat made from hoops that were corded of cane or whalebone. They accentuated the hips and made the skirts of the time even fuller and big.

A few hundred years went by were the corset was not as popular for a undergarment. But it reemerged in the 1850's. Busts were higher than ever and even more shaped thanks to neoclassical designs in clothing of these times.

The elastic styled corset was developed in 1830, which was much more comfortable and easy to wear than the boned varieties.Pantaloons were also introduced made of silky materials and had added lace and frills upon them.

The very early 1900's saw the corset going out of style and the much more convenient and comfortable brassiere come into style. The first of these were very soft and formed a natural looking separation between a woman's breasts.

The Warner Brothers Company introduced bras called the Alphabet due to the sizes they were made in during the Depression Era. These bra's were made for any size women and went from a A cup to a double D. Synthetic materials were much cheaper to make these garments and easier to find as well.

The development of lingerie styles has transformed many a woman's body throughout the centuries and is still improving upon design and look as well as comfort today. You can find just about any style of lingerie you can dream of on the markets today thanks to these early innovations.

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