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Thursday 23 February 2012

Use Of Anti-Obama Bumper Stickers While Change Is Inevitable

By Rosalinda Skinner

The emerging of President Obama have left some ecstatic, while others have been discontented and divided, both amongst the citizens of America and other nations. Some have opted to communicate their mistrust towards him and his represented political strategies, by displaying anti-Obama bumper stickers.

Regardless of the fact that during canvassing he endorsed the prospect of change, there are those who do not believe that he is qualified for such a mandate. Some are judgmental of his upbringing and also do not have faith in his ability to lead.

Due to lack of faith, others have jeered at him due to his fluent disposition and academic exploits. They have labelled him as yet another politician seeking campaign votes by promising bliss for the people, with no genuine aim to perform, once voted into power.

Nevertheless, his sense of appeal does appear to have produced some dividends. The presidential family is commonly regarded as embodying the ideal American home, providing a sense of optimism that the American Dream is achievable. However, since stepping into power it is his governmental guidelines that have been subject to scrutiny. Some people remain definite that he is not the answer for America as a country in general.

Individuals have employed different channels to express their unhappiness at the presidents leadership angle. There have been many occasions where he has been resisted and condemned. Included herein has been the open use of these stickers and laughter at his expense, due to these reservations.

All Heads of States have shortcomings, but perhaps people ought to afford some degree of confidence, rather than suspicions. This as a substitute to perhaps simply writing him off as another president of color now ruling.

Perhaps it is not his race per-say that make people uncomfortable, but rather his introduction of change. In general, change can be opposed because of society's inherent resistance to it. This is why some individuals have chosen to engage this American president and his policies, rather than defying him by using anti-Obama bumper stickers. anti-obama bumper stickers

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