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Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Good And Bad Side Of Political Talk

By Maude Moses

Modern civilization has contributed to the development of institutions in the modern society and political talk has thrived and will continue to thrive in today's society because of it's role in the growth and development of the institutions. It is actually the means by which the institutions run their day to day affairs especially in determining the leaders of the day.

For posterity, this kind of chat is not enough much as it interrogates the government policy of the day. It lacks principle and therefore can not be relied on in shaping the future of a society. It is cheap chat and easily renounced by those who engage in it especially whenever one is called upon to substantiate the issues they chat about.

Political talk when well thought in regard to the policies, it is able to identify inherent gaps in policies, champion policies and eliminate policies that are found to be counter productive in the development of the society. Whenever this chat is applied in improving the policies, it is then perceived to be positive and good chat.

Negative chat is not a strange occurrence in the modern society either. Politicians and other individuals seeking elective positions have more often than not been involved in divisive chat that ends up building tension and hatred among people of one society based on the politicians they are supporting.

In most cases, this chat is then used as a divide and rule strategy where people don't interrogate the chat. Popularity is a major concern among those seeking elective positions. Majority of contestants more often than not, engage in it to sell them selves and their agenda to the electorate so as to win elections and get to power.

Political talk has propelled those aspiring for elective positions into offices by making them more popular than their fellow contestants. And even after getting into power, this same individuals use it to remain in power and even gain more popularity.

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