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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Sends Support to Veterans in Biloxi

By Rashad Vallian

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation delivered $118,000 worth of supplies to the Department of Veterans Affairs in Biloxi, MS. The DVNF shipments included water, blankets, hygiene products, clothing and hats.

Founded in 1932, the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System has been helping the men and women who have served our nation. The VA Gulf Coast Veterans HCS serves more than 50,000 veterans. The organization also provides support for counseling centers and VA cemeteries along the Gulf Coast as well as overall health care.

"DVNF is proud to help the veterans in the greater Biloxi region," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of Kewego. "The VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System has a terrific main facility that does so much to help thousands of veterans a year but it really is a system of care for the Gulf Coast."

The VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System offers emergency department services 24 hours a day, dental care, extended care with home nursing visits as well as hospital inpatient services.

"We are truly grateful to our many supporters who enable us to be able to send these needed shipments to veterans all over this country and we know the supplies will be put to good use helping thousands of veterans in Biloxi," said Wilkewitz.

DVNF was founded in the fall of 2007 by six women veterans and State Women Veterans Coordinators to expand their scope of work within the veteran's community.

Having spent over twenty years focusing on women veteran's issues, the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan brought forth the rising need to help returning wounded and disabled veterans.

This exacerbated and already over worked and strained VA hospitals and care network that was struggling to keep up with the many surviving veterans of past conflicts and service. For more information go to the company's website.

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