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Sunday 26 February 2012

A Boat Does Not Pilot The Ocean For Over Seventy Long Years Without Extraneous Point Of Reference

By Neil Baulch

Part 14. If then, the scientific world tells us that we only know about 10% of all there is to know, we know very little; yet if God is the great Creator who made us and everything else, He knows it ALL. So for us to claim 'I know what life is about and I shall set my course and values' etc.. Is a little silly, as we would need to be God with All Knowledge to know that the way in which we understand life is perfectly balanced.

It's like a boat navigating it's way around the globe for seventy-five years or so; through all the strange unknown places and the storms but employing only itself and it's crew members on board the very same ship, as a reference point to navigate by. Similar to a ship, we need somebody on the outside our own limitations to get our bearings for life. It is a massive gamble to do otherwise and thinking about the eternal consequences, I feel it is one not worth taking. It makes it even weirder when presently lots more people are joining the metaphysical craze of testing the laws of life with mystical feelings instead of normally accepted disciplines of scientific testing and literature and historical analysis.

A mountain climber would test a ledge he was about to step onto, by lightly stamping on it first; it would be foolish to test it by conjuring up an emotional feeling about it. It just does not make sense. In that case we suddenly get practical, why do we think that the risks of the life hereafter are any less serious. It is often not until a personal tragedy, that a person realizes the weakness and inability of their own potential, realisin that there must be a mastermind and higher power behind our world and existence; they then tend to be more open to the concept of something spiritual.

Regrettably some will accept a weird mystical faith as opposed to the God of the Bible as they know of a ill-disciplined Christian who has put them off. This could be throwing the infant out with the bath water. Recently a pal had a very near bad car accident with his family in the car, both he and his wife felt rather sick for the remainder of that day. In the days after he felt insecure about his life as he realised just how powerless he was. He didn't have total control over his life as he had always thought. He came to me to talk about the quandary he now faced, 'if I am not in control and I have no power to alter that, who does?

At times like that, we think about things that we merely do not think about when life is OK. We just know there has to be someone.' For me, after a lot of research, the God of the Bible, seems the legitimate solution to me. As has been stated "There is no such thing as an Atheist on the battle field."

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