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Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Costs Of Public Services Verses Demographic Density

By Byron Jonas

There is a hypothesis that says that the community density is a good pointer in describing how it influences human behavior. The theory holds that as community density increases, so does the human stress. This is evidenced by the increased levels of public disorder as compared to less dense areas.

To get a good picture of the effects of high community density, all you have to do is look at the crime rates in growing population centres. These areas have an increased social disorder. This is to say that the more the human ecology is, the higher the rate of lawlessness.

As people migrate to the urban areas, governments have to adjust their operating budgets in order to satisfy the increasing numbers. In general, the world has experienced a continued stream of people from rural areas to the cities. This is because a lot of industries have been concentrated there.

It is widely known the world over that people move from less industrialized places to more industrialized regions. It is common then to find more police where there is a high concentration of humans. More services are also demanded of the government from the public. In one way the governing authorities might feel burdened as a result of paying for the overhead costs.

As the masses grow, so does the local public sector spending. An increase in the number of people means an increase in population density. But then a question arises that seeks to challenge the fact that a high density of people automatically translates to high overhead costs. First of all, the per capita spending is likely to increase because more services such as garbage collection must be provided.

The fact that more police force will be needed to enforce law and order means more spending on the government part. The second side of the argument believes that the more the masses the more the consumption of various goods and services. This means that more revenue will be generated from the consumption.

It is good for the authorities to have a well-laid out plan on how to deal with an increase in population before-hand. Settlement in other areas apart from cities should be encouraged. Local industries especially in rural areas should be given a boost so as to attract more investments and manpower.

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