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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Ray Martin: Aussie Media Success

By Maude Moses

Ray Martin (1944) was born in Richmond, New South Wales, Australia. He attended college with the intention of teaching English History. Now, he is an award-winning television presenter. For his efforts, he has been awarded the Centenary Medal, the Gold Logie and the Order of Australia.

The popular presenter has never shied away from a fight. Over the years, he has slated producers for watering down their coverage of serious news and current events. He has also soundly criticized Rupert Murdoch at the height of the phone hacking scandal.

He currently promotes a movement to replace the current Australian flag replaced with a design that does not contain the Union Jack of the British Empire in the top left-hand corner. The 'Change the Flag' campaign want this symbol, with little relevance to present-day Australia, completely removed. The expectation is that Australia will vote to become an independent republic.

Opponents of the move point out that Aussies have fought and died as the flag just as it is and feel it would be an insult to their memories to alter it in any way. Others point out that the symbol is a part of their own heritage. Others believe that changing the flag would be a frivolous waste of money and invite pro-change campaigners to leave the country if they don't like it. There is even a Facebook page set up in opposition to the campaign for change.

Martin is angry with television producers that insult the intelligence of working class citizens with their insipid coverage of current events. Consequently, they are switching in droves to other channels. He cites the change to minute-by-minute television ratings as a contributing factor. Other networks provide in depth interviews and news coverage, demonstrating better faith in the antipodean viewer.

Martin has penned two books about his life and career. The first, published in 2009, was entitled, 'Ray - Stories of My Life'. More recently, he has been promoting his latest offering, 'Ray Martins Favourites: The Stories behind the Legends'. ray martin

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