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Monday 27 February 2012

Food of the Aztecs

By El Guaco

Corn - The primary Aztec Food

Of all of the foods the Aztecs ate, the most significant portion of their cuisine was corn, which they called maize. Actually, maize was so crucial for the Aztecs that it really played a role in their mythology. The value of maize for the Aztecs was equal to the significance that rice played to the Asian cultures, and also the role wheat played to the Europeans. It really should 1st be noted that maize came in a number of diverse varieties. These varieties will be based on size, color, and its texture. It would also be eaten in a quantity of unique approaches, and these included tamales and tortillas. In addition to maize, there had been a variety of other foods that played an significant role within the Aztec diet program.

Other Aztec Foods

Some of these foods had been salt, as well as chilies. During fasting, the Aztecs would refrain from consuming either 1 of these things. Beans were also pretty critical to the Aztecs, and also enjoyed consuming pigweed as well as chia. When these foods were combined with maize, it would have offered the typical Aztec a really wholesome diet plan, which contained all the nutrients they required. Nixtamalization is the strategy in which maize would be processed, along with the maize would usually be cooked in an alkaline substance. When this was carried out, it tremendously enhanced its nutritional value.


Another worldwide popular food that originates from Aztecs is guacamole. Aztecs had been identified for expanding avocados and turning them into guacamole. The name guacamole comes from Aztec language and it truly is a combination of words for avocado and sauce - ahuacatl (avocado) and molli (sauce). With all the arrival of Spanish conquistadors guacamole spread throughout the globe but it continues to be a staple in Mexican cuisine. If you want to find out how to make guacamole there are many guacamole recipes.

Aztec Drinks

As far as drinks are concerned, water played an important function amongst the Aztecs, as it does with all humans. Along with this, the Aztecs also drunk the fermented juice which comes from the century plant, and they also enjoy drinking pulque. Beyond water, these drinks had been pretty common, and there were a number of alcoholic drinks offered which were produced from fuits, cacti, and honey. There had been occasions when even kids had been allowed to drink, even though this was not performed on a regular basis. Intoxication was not admired by the Aztecs, and with the exception of seniors, anybody else who became drunk may very well be put through to severe punitive measures.

Strangely enough, the Aztec aristocracy had rigid guidelines which ceased them from drinking. If they became drunk, the punishment could be as serious as execution. The aristocracy also didn't drink pulque, as they deemed this to be a drink of the common man. The elite instead liked to drink anything which originated from cacao. This beverage was highly prized, and it was consumed by warriors, kings, and nobles. They would generally add chili peppers to it to give it a bit of flavor. Honey was frequently utilized in cacao at the same time, however the list of herbs that could possibly be utilised are really numerous.

Cacao was so prized within the Aztec empire that the beans from it could possibly be applied as a form of money. It should also be noted that the Aztecs enjoyed turkey, numerous varieties of fowl, and they also feasted on iguanas and gophers. Shrimp and fish was an essential component of their diet plan, and they also loved both insects and their eggs as a portion of their Aztec food.

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