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Sunday 19 February 2012

A Christian Voters Guide Can Help People Of Faith Choose A Candidate

By Lynda Ratliff

A Christian voters guide can help inform people of faith about where the candidates stand on important issues like religious freedom, school prayer, abortion, pornography and marriage. This information helps educate voters on the candidate's stated positions or voting records on issues that are important to religious voters.

Instead of relying on television advertisements paid for by campaigns or on the coverage of the mainstream media outlets, the material lets you know the positions of the presidential challengers as well as the voting records of elected officials in the House and Senate. The guide can help you see where these men and women stand on issues of importance.

Cast an informed ballot, based on research conducted by religious organizations that have compiled the records and pronouncements of our public officials. Make sure that the person you cast your ballot for upholds biblical principles and will be an ally once elected. An informed choice now can save you from disillusionment and heartache later.

A good resource will not dictate who you have to vote for, that decision is between you and God. However, it can help you view each candidate's strengths and weaknesses and help you decide which people are in line with your core spiritual values. As you evaluate each person issue by issue, you may discover some surprises.

With so many crucial issues facing our nation at this pivotal time, it is more important than ever for citizens to be informed about where the prospective candidates stand on key social issues. Liberty, religious freedom, school choice, and moral values are all at stake this election cycle. Being well informed is your best weapon in a democracy.

A Christian voters guide can enable you to make the best possible electoral choice. Not only can it help you select the next President, but it can also be useful in picking Senators and Representatives. Informing yourself can be the best way to ensure that God is not forgotten in the corridors of power in Washington. christian voters guide

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