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Friday 10 February 2012

Learning More About Haiti Reconstruction

By Margery Sanchez

About two years after the horrible quake that shook the country, Haiti reconstruction is currently still in progress. The damage they acquired from that incident cannot be repaired in a matter of months. It takes time to rebuild a fallen nation and this requires help from others.

People in the country today are just living in tents and temporary living spaces. These are not enough to protect families and children from harsh weather and environmental conditions. The safety of a real home is different and is still a lot better than what they have now.

It is never easy to rebuild a nation and it is even harder with the different circumstances that affect their efforts. Up until now, there is still a great need for supplies and funds necessary to fix everything. To add to that, there are the constant impacts of the hurricane seasons.

They are still in need of funding and donations. Many other countries have come together for this cause. International communities, agencies and private entities have pooled funds and donated to Haiti. The donations have slowly helped in the relief efforts for the country.

Reconstruction does not only mean rebuilding homes and structures. This also means giving the people a chance to a new start. They need food, water and clothes to survive. There is also the growing health concerns. Many of them are getting sick because of the lack of necessities.

Authorities and agencies of the country are now providing livelihood programs. There are vocational trainings intended for their women and youth. The skills they get from these trainings can be used for their means of living. This is one way for them to start over and go on with life.

Haiti reconstruction truly is not that easy to accomplish. Nevertheless, everything is progressing little by little. People who are interested in giving donations and extending a helping hand are greatly encouraged. The country desperately needs help. A little goes a long way. haiti Reconstruction

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