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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Announces Support for Fresh Start Veterans

By Emilio Chlebek

Disabled Veterans National Foundation announced the delivery of support valued at approximately $89,394 for the Fresh Start Veterans Residence located in Tyler, Texas.

Fresh Start is a new beginning for homeless veterans in the greater Tyler, TX area who served our country.

The Fresh Start program offers what do they stand for a unique approach to helping veterans in that the residence is not a shelter.

The goal of the program is to give veterans a turn-key approach that equips them with: resume and job preparation skills, job placement, food, clothing, financial training, medical referrals, drug and alcohol counseling and access to Veterans benefits that are available in the Tyler area.

"Fresh Start in Tyler Texas is just that, a complete fresh start for our heroes who deserve a new beginning in their lives after giving so much to the country," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF. "We are so honored to be able to support groups like Fresh Start.

We and our team (as well as our donors) are amazed to see the depth of the innovation many of these direct Veteran services groups are offering our Veterans. It really is more than just providing a shelter and a hot's a whole new life."

Fresh Start even assists veterans with the lengthy paperwork to apply for available help.

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to serving those who have served the United States.

While focusing on disabled, homeless, and women Veterans, the organization works daily to provide resources and services to those who have come home to find themselves in need. Founded in 2007, the organization is housed in Washington D.C. Funded by donors, the organization provides assistance to shelters, partner organizations, and directly to Veterans who apply for grants.

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