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Thursday 9 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Urges Political & Military Leaders to Remember Our Heroes

By Kimberley Leyua

WASHINGTON, Jan 30, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- DVNF, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping men and women who serve and return home wounded or sick after defending our nation's freedom, is hoping to raise non-partisan awareness on the need to keep funding programs that support our veterans.

"While we at Disabled Veterans National Foundation do not take political positions in general, we do feel that as the Pentagon and White House look to cut the Defense Budget, there is a greater need than ever to make sure the men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are taken care of," said Raegan Rivers of DVNF.

"We are seeing at every level budget cuts that affect the care and support of veterans. The fact is we have put so many of our troops in war zones and the VA is already struggling to take care of veterans from past wars. The result is too many combat Veterans are returning home and find there is no one there to help them adjust back to normal lives."

In addition, DVNF supports several programs, shelters, events and veterans services groups across the country. At a Stand Down event last weekend, DVNF shipped approximately $150,000 worth of supplies to the VA organized event to help Veterans in the greater Washington, DC area. Several recent studies show that 'Post Traumatic Stress Disorder' is a greater problem than most people realize that will require greater diagnosis and treatment for returning veterans ( ).

"We are forever grateful to our supporters and donors for allowing us to help thousands of Veterans who need the help daily just to survive," said Rivers. "But we are seeing the demand for services rise and we hope our political and military leaders understand that there is a war of a different kind here at home to make sure those who serve so unselfishly are given the help and support they deserve when they return."

About Disabled Veterans National Foundation: DVNF exists to change the lives of men and women who came home wounded or sick after defending our safety and freedom. A non-profit 501(c)(3), DVNF was founded in the fall of 2007 by six women veterans to expand their scope of work within the veteran's community.

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SOURCE: Disabled Veterans National Foundation

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