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Wednesday 22 February 2012

The State Of Political Discussion In The United States

By Rosalinda Skinner

When we talk about political discussion, we are forced to say that most of us are disappointed with what passes as deliberate examination of issues. We hear these on the TV, radio and read them in the print media whether on line or off. The dirty politics and the slinging of mud is all that we get for our attention.

The media claims that they are the ones that will provide the light and understanding for these conversations. They do not serve us any better than the politicians and their mouthpieces. The media, both on and off line, are in the various camps and will cover up for the actions and words of their favorite politicians.

Insulting the person who brings an issue to the conversation is standard for far too many politicians. A conversation must have the full participation of all parties to be enlightening for the viewers. Having all of the information, on both sides, will only help voters in their deliberations.

The speech correctness, on one side, and the inability of the other side to point this out is at the core of not being able to discuss things honestly. The state of political discussion has degenerated into the mud slinging it is now. The walls, erected because of this, allows the discourse to fail.

The few debates that are conducted do not accomplish what they were designed to provide. Because of the way they are set up they do not get at the issues they reputedly claim to examine. The hosts usually take the side of one of the parties and are not representative of the larger number of people watching.

Recommendations for the conduct of actual political discussion is to either have unhosted debates or, at the least, to have true moderators without the agenda they seem to have. Another thought is to place some kind of truth in campaigning law. Or, the press could actually start to report the news and what was said and what is true like they are supposed to do.

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