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Saturday 11 February 2012

Keeping Abreast Of Affairs With Political Blog Sites

By Margery Sanchez

In order to keep up to date on current affairs nationally and internationally, it is always useful to read political blog sites. They are a good source of news and views from a very wide perspective. The variety of opinions is as wide as the variety of writers who publish online. They are free from traditional editorial constraints.

Blogsphere is a very modern platform that have become increasingly influential over the last few years. Some of them have grown famous and their opinions highly sought by lay people and professionals alike. Nowadays it is not uncommon to see or hear the internet writers being quoted or interviewed by the traditional media such as newspapers and television.

The good thing about blogging is that people with very different backgrounds get into it. Therefore they can provide different points of view on the same subject. The very nature of blogging is that it is regular writing almost like a personal journal. As such you get consistent updates on issues as they unfold.

A topic such as the state of the economy is very good to understand through the writings of bloggers. Each one can comment on it from his or her own particular discipline. A real estate website will have one point of view while a parenting website will have another. Yet, the two websites can provide a snapshot of what is taking place in the economy.

These types of websites are also very valuable to people who wish to keep abreast of party politics in particular. There are many blogs on the internet that concentrate on this specifically. Some of them are written by people who claim allegiance to one particular party and do not disguise their bias. However as a reader you are free to compare their view with that of someone else writing with the entirely opposing view.

Perhaps most useful of all is that politicians themselves run their own political blog sites. You can thus read the issues straight from the source.

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