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Friday 20 April 2012

Various Uses Of A Political Forum

By Melody Lyons

It is Harold Lasswell, a supporting scientist, who defined politics as who gets what, when, how; that seems to capture the essence of modern competitive policy. It seems that is the reason why politics seem to interest a great number of people. An internet search for policy and a political forum yields results that can only be rivaled by a similar search for pornography.

It can be traced back to the mists of time, where stone age tribes met to talk common interests, such as attacking rival tribes for pasture or water sources. They can also be traced to Greek and Roman civilizations, with Socrates and his public gatherings being particularly notable. These extend all the way to modern supporting conventions, with American Democratic and Republican Party being particularly notable.

Democracy has been especially conducive to the formation of following interest groups, and by extension, every type of it for these groups to meet and discuss. This makes it easier for many groups to have a voice and push their interests. It does have its downsides, however; people of a particular supporting persuasion can meet to strategize on how to oppress others. This is a situation common in countries where negative ethnicity is rife. Such meetings are used to mobilize members of one ethnic or racial community against others. The problem is not the concept, but an abuse of it. On the upside, such debate can be convened to fight for the rights of those who are oppressed.

Anonymous, the famous or infamous hacker group, depending on who you ask, can be considered a following grouping. Their hacking exploits can be considered to be the result of supporting discussions held at an online or other meeting. This is still an example of it at work.

Terrorists have used such meetings to advance and justify their nefarious ends. They have debate on the internet where they even make public methods of making explosives. White supremacy groups use such debate to justify their racist ideologies.

Such meetings have been used for a lot of good, however. Black South Africans used them to fight against an oppressive supporting system. African Americans used them to get their rights. A great number of minority groups have used them to fight for their rights, and get reparations for past injustices. As human beings are so supporting, every type of political forum seems set to remain part of human society.

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