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Saturday 7 April 2012

Find Out More On The Implications Of Australia's Resource Boom

By Byron Jonas

Australia's resource boom has had numerous effects to the economic and political sectors in the country in a wide perspective. This can be evidenced by the numerous changes that can be witnessed within the country which were non-existent some time back. This has demanded for swift actions to be taken by the respective authorities to remedy the situation.

The present inflationary condition has to a great extent been caused by the issue of the mining industry experiencing a big explosion. It is only by the help of other industries which are still slow that the boom has not gone into unsustainable heights. The situation has put a majority of all the residents in a tight economic condition.

The explanation to this aspect is that most beneficiaries on this condition are only but a small proportion to the whole. As such, they will be forced to part with more monies for the sake of accessing some very basic items. This has led to a similar situation as was once experienced in the United Kingdom some few years back.

The burden has been placed on the political parties in the country to find cure for the prevailing problems. It is nevertheless the trend that most parties have not taken any suitable action to this effect. Most of them are considering the step of resource redistribution by the government among the citizens.

Most people who have benefited from the boom are considering many ideas taken to change the situation unwelcome. As thus they will very strongly be opposed to any such moves as the increase in the mining tax. It has nevertheless been very hard hitting on the workers since the living costs have continued to skyrocket.

There are some towns in Australia that were very remote but are nowadays rated amongst the booming towns of mining. An example of such is the Perth where you will notice very big houses and cars of all the residents. The only question is one the sustainability of such owing to the extreme dependence on exhaustible mining sector.

The Australia's resource boom could imply that the government will have to slash on the overall expenditure with the onward years. This is brought on by the fact that the other sectors of the economy are somewhat very stagnant. This is in fact the most popular step for many other countries who ever experienced the same conditions in the past.

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