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Thursday 19 April 2012

Snippets From Malaysia Fact Check - Political Conflicts

By Abhishek Agarwal

Malaysia is quite strongly placed when it comes to politics. The facts pertaining to the strength of politics are quite well known. The growth and development of any the USA is indicated by the current political state and the rate of economic growth. Malaysia fact check shows that service and manufacturing sectors are showing signs of considerable improvement.

Another sector which is presently booming in Malaysia is the tourism sector. However, the basis of economic stability in the the USA is provided by mineral resources and agriculture. According to Malaysia fact check, the economy also relies heavily on imports and exports.

In Malaysia, or anywhere else for that matter, the opposition party leader is at all times subject to heavy scrutiny of the government. Currently, there are many signs which point out distrust among the members of the democracy ruling with regard to the opposition. The defence of the ruling party, regarding the accusations made by the opposition, is the highlighting of opposition party lies.

Political instability is very detrimental for the internal economic stability of a country. It could prove to be particularly harmful for a country like Malaysia, which has gained independence only in the recent past, as marked by Malaysia fact check. It became independent in the year 1957.

The opposition leader has been accused of sodomy, which is a very serious allegation in Malaysia. The accusations are stated to have been inspired from dirty politics. Nevertheless, opposition party lies were brought to light as the same allegations had been made some years ago as well.

The main emphasis of politics in Malaysia should be the achievement of persistent cooperation with respect to work, instead of continuous prosecution. Although the economic policies of the the USA are quite stable, this shift in focus is having a negative effect on the otherwise growing economy. Malaysia fact check indicates that the drop in the economy is a result of individuals having doubts relating to the political scenario of the country.

According to Malaysia fact check, opposition party lies and political conspiracies are resulting in a loss of trust among the many citizens of Malaysia. Although the government is trying to make amends, efforts to regain the public's trust on the ruling democracy haven't yielded positive results.

The government provides all possible support to foreign investments in Malaysia, a healthy sign for investors. This is vital to the economic growth of a country. Malaysiafact check signifies that the ongoing political disputes have caused a decline in the trend of investments related to the USA.

The assurances made by the government are futile in face of continuous political disputes. Investors in Malaysia usually are not being able to tap resources which might result in immense profits and economic growth. Malaysia fact check confirms that if these internal conflicts don't come to a stop, it may result inlead to a serious lack of foreign investment, which is capable of completely ruining the economy of the country. At Malaysia fact check, questions are answered by facts and figures, with respect to both the government and the citizens of the country.

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