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Friday 6 April 2012

The Documentation of Cannabis Awareness & Understanding

By Evie D. Huang

As many are probably aware of these days, marijuana has become a frequent topic in American political discourse, as well as in many other nations around the world. It seems as though the world is in a state of re-realization of what positive benefits the marijuana plant has to offer, how we can sensibly regulate its use, and why the alternative perspectives being enforced through current laws have largely gotten it, well, pretty much all wrong.

Throughout the scope of recorded history, cannabis has only been against the law for about 1 % of the time. Indeed, in the Us, a country largely behind most of the intentional depreciation injected into the public conversation about cannabis, the plant has only been against the law since the late 1930's. Even then, the main cause was a monetary based political gain for a few hoggish and perhaps quite power-hungry men. Indeed, few genuinely know the history of cannabis.

Through a cooperative attempt to demonize the hemp plant and all who would take a chance to use it, the U.S. government set into flow one of the most thorough propaganda pushes in all of history. In the early thirties, Henry J. Anslinger was called up to tell the universe that, unavoidably, if a person were to come into contact with this "radical tool of the devil ", they could count on mania, savagery, and gross moral wickedness to ensue.

Luckily though, men and women around this nation, as well as global high-minded thinkers have progressed beyond the knowledge that most of this propagandist tall talk as just that, an enormous and focussed push to purposely modify and moderate the way they knowingly feel and think about hemp. Across the planet there are networks popping up that are committed to rescinding the untruth that was purposely conducted over the first half of the twentieth century.

In the USA, for instance, folks are quickly awakening to not only the myths that have been expressed, but also to the actual useful facts about marijuana, and its apparent natural match with our human genetics. Today, there are many state statutes being considered that would enable complete legalization of the cannabis plant, with most deciding to control the plant in the same manner to how alcohol presently is. Additionally, over 16 states have presently based state-wide proposals to allow doctor approved individuals to use cannabis to reduce chronic and crippling circumstances. But the U.S. definitely is isn't unique in their revelation about the requirement for lawful changes in regards to adult cannabis use, as many countries either currently have or are genuinely thinking of new approaches of full-out legalization.

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