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Thursday 19 April 2012

The Political Talk In The United States Is Anything But Talk

By Melody Lyons

What is being talked about during the election process, in the United States, is usually an insult to what that speaker wants their audience to think about their opponent. It does not matter that the political talk, from most of them, is a fabrication. This screeching is what they want to go on the record.

When one side of the debate calls a significant part of the opposition a terrorist group, misinformation is the order of the day. Kids with autism should not be used by one side stating they will be left on their own if the other side gets their way. The media does not check these statements for accuracy but simply repeats them.

A necessary evil, the media is not doing their job as they pass on one lie after another. It has been said that the media had finally died in 2008, they just did not know about it yet. The facts that are not checked, the assertions that go unverified and the, almost libelous, statements made by one side are simply printed or spoken with a straight face.

A large defect in the proceedings, normally put into the public viewing, are the debates that do not allow for actual debate. In an attempt to stifle discussion, these venues do not accomplish the purposes they are advertised as doing. The heated diatribes that result from this inability to impart information does not allow the American people to know what the truth is.

Partisan questions, thrown up by partisan moderators, tend to show their allegiance to one side or the other. Most of the American public knows this, yet, they are the only game on the block as far as debates are concerned. These misleading comments and questions, without a point, will cause them more problems than the people involved in the debate.

The talking points that many engage in are just that, talking points to make a sound bite. political talk should center around those things that can make society better. Uplifting ideas are the way to accomplish this, however, the tone of that speech must also be uplifting, not denigrating to the other side.

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