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Wednesday 18 April 2012

Do You Have Your Anti-Obama Bumper Stickers For Your Campaign Trail

By Rosalind Estes

Anti-Obama bumper stickers are seen everywhere you turn these days. As you pass by cars on the road you see the backs and sides of these vehicles flaunting these message tags. Close to four years ago the messages on these tags were not so aggressive against this man and in fact they said messages like 'Obama For President'. In fact this year, there is one that says something about laughing at those people who still have those old tags on their vehicles.

It's not just vehicles where the tags are found. You see them on windows of homes, businesses are posting them, motorcycles, RVs, golf-carts, bus terminal waiting areas, you name it everywhere you turn there they are. The nation does not want this man for president for another 4 year period.

There are some pretty strong opinions generating around the globe about this person who took office and became president of America. There are message tags that read anything from calling a joker, to a thief, to stupid, and a traitor because they are fed-up and disgusted with this person.

If you want to just get an idea of how many people are against his re-election just do a Google search of how many listings they have for these types of tags. They are being sold everywhere and everyone is snatching them up. American people are fed up with this governmental deception and mediocrity.

Here are some examples of what these messages are declaring about this person who currently holds the office of President of the United States of America: 'Stop this Obamanation of America', 'BO stinks', 'Happy Now?', 'Hail to the thief'. These are but a few of the many many choice phrases of how Americans feel about this guy.

Get your anti-obama bumper stickers if you like so many other Americans are against his re-election. Start your own campaign trail letting others know how you feel about it. If you don't want him as president for another 4 year term by dawning your stickers your wish might come true.

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