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Friday 20 April 2012

Bark Busters Helps With Record-breaking Donation to SPCA International

By Delbert Poskitt

ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bark Busters USA, the world's largest, most trusted dog training company, announced a record-breaking private donation of $22,411 in cash and in-kind contributions to the SPCAI Operation Baghdad Pups program-the culmination of its "Bring the Soldiers' Pups Home" campaign, fueled by the effort and generosity of Bark Busters trainers, their clients, and countless dog-loving communities nationwide.

"It's been a great honor for our trainers to help these special dogs and soldiers make the difficult transition from war zone to family home" As longtime supporters of Operation Baghdad Pups, which provides assistance to military personnel overseas who wish to transport adopted pets home to the United States, Bark Busters Dog Behavioral Therapists across the nation have provided free training and advice to these two- and four-legged heroes since 2009.

"It's been a great honor for our trainers to help these special dogs and soldiers make the difficult transition from war zone to family home," said Liam Crowe, CEO and Master Dog Behavioral Therapist at Bark Busters USA. "We'll continue to offer our services free of charge to Operation Baghdad Pups, but this year, we wanted to do even more to support this critical program."

Bark Busters and SPCAI launched a system-wide campaign in May, and at its National Conference last month, Terri Crisp, program manager for Operation Baghdad Pups, was on hand to accept a $22,411 check, along with Sergeant Major David Dantzler and his Operation Baghdad Pup, Iram.

"These animals, like Iram, not only help our heroes in the war zone, but they also help them readjust to life back home after combat," Crisp says. "We're so privileged to have great partners like Bark Busters USA who donate their time and skills to help these dogs."

Operation Baghdad Pups has provided veterinary care and coordinated logistics to help bring home 351 animals that servicemen and women have befriended and relied on for emotional support while deployed in the Middle East.

About Bark Busters - Bark Busters, the world's largest, most trusted dog training company, started in Australia in 1989 and came to the United States in 2000. Since inception, more than 500,000 dogs have been trained worldwide using its dog-friendly, natural methods.

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