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Thursday 19 April 2012

Population of the Aztecs

By Eddie Montezuma

It is stated that the Aztecs came from Aztlan which was a place that literally implies "the place of origin". Some historians think that Aztlan is a place someplace near the Valley of Mexico, while some believe that it's a place that does not really exist or is mythical. Though the place of origin of the Mexica or the Aztecs isn't identified for certain, it is positive that the Aztecs settled in the Valley of Mexico around the middle of the 13th century and this is when the Aztec population started to expand.

The Growth Of Aztec Population

Initially, the Mexica or the Aztecs had been not as many as the different tribes. They had been regarded to be the new kids on the block and they got the worst place to reside in. But this didn't stop them from expanding and thriving as an incredible civilization and very recognized empire.

Using the help of two other groups, the triple alliance became one of the most well known group within the Valley of Mexico. By the time the Spaniards came, the Aztecs population was already a really numerous one. Despite the fact that their exact population often varied because of the pretty big impact that human sacrifices to the gods made on their statistics.

At about 1519, the Aztecs had been about 25,000,000 in number. They had been plenty, thriving and they dominated the location. But when the Spaniards came, not merely did the Spaniards kill a good deal of the Aztecs, but they also brought with them numerous diseases.

The Decline Of Aztec Population

Many Aztec individuals perished because of the small pox. By the year 1538, the Aztec population truly declined. The remaining Aztecs had a total population of approximately six million only. By the year 1580, the Aztecs' numbers seriously spiraled downwards; there were only about 2 million Aztecs left.

Several of the diseases the Spaniards brought included mumps, tuberculosis, typhus and measles. Aztecs didn't have the proper medicine for these diseases nor had been they resistant to them, due to the fact the illnesses were new. They probably didn't have any idea what these illnesses were. So despite the fact that the Aztec empire crumbled when it was conquered by Spaniards it ware the ailments that brought on the drop of the Aztec population.

Aztec People Today

Modern day Aztecs or the descendants of the Aztecs now live in or close to Mexico City. Mexico City is after all exactly where the original Aztecs resided, though before, the city was named Tenochtitlan. Modern day Mexico now stands on what was before Tenochtitlan.

The modern Aztecs of today number well over a million and they're now the largest aboriginal group in Mexico. These contemporary day Aztecs are usually illiterate farmers that are somehow unique from the other Mexicans whose culture is extremely contemporary when compared with the Aztecs.

These modern day Aztecs nonetheless preserve their way of speaking and they use the Aztec-Nahua language. Their religion on the other hand is unique and may be described as a mixture of Aztec religion and Roman Catholicism.

There are still several places in Mexico City that showcases the artworks or the majesty of the once thriving Aztecs. There's even a statue in Mexico city depicting the Aztecs. They are unquestionably few in quantity currently but certainly, Aztec population and their empire won't and can in no way be forgotten.

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