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Friday 13 April 2012

How Haiti Reconstruction Has Made An Impact

By Johnnie Soto

Haiti reconstruction is an organization that comprises of a number of other bodies that work together to revive the country after the earthquake destruction. This organization is a cooperation of international community and the Haiti government. They solicit funds from willing donors which they use in financing the projects.

The resources needed to facilitate the revival of the country that has undergone a severe destruction due to earthquakes have been sourced from various well wishers. They have also cooperated with other entities such as the World Bank and the international American Bank. This collaboration assists in a better running of the projects that are scheduled to reconstruct the country

The organization has worked really hard to ensure a complete overhaul of the country by deploying all the available resources into the channels. It has achieved this by upholding integrity and transparency in the manner the funds are used. The mode of managing the finances has been structured in manner whereby different bodies have been given specific responsibilities so as to ensure proper management of the resources.

Every proposal made by the entity is has to get an approval from the prime minister. This ensures that the right project is been undertaken and the resources allocated commensurate with the kind of work to be done. The endorsement from the office of the prime minister also assists in getting donations from donors.

The role of managing the funds set for the reconstruction and development of Haiti is done by the organization. Nevertheless, it happens to be the largest contributor of the resources that is used in the whole operation. The rest is sourced from the contributions made by various international entities that have pledges to assist.

haiti Reconstruction has been awarded numerous honors internationally for its work. They have also sensitized the formation of such other organizations across the world. Many counties are also working hard to ensure that they recover from various crisis they have encountered.

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