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Thursday 19 January 2012

Why Immigration Law In Arizona May Be Struck Down

By Frank Thomas

The SB 1070 is an immigration law in Arizona that requires all foreigners to carry documentation with them wherever they go in order for police officers to find out about their legal status in the country. Governor Jane Brewer has been admired and criticized by many who feel that the law should have been implemented a long time ago and by others who feel it increases racial profiling.

This bill has generated a lot of controversy because opponents of it say that it violates people's civil rights and makes living daily life difficult when they are already dealing with other issues concerning their stay in the US. They also stress that most individuals who are illegal in the country are only looking to make money to feed their own families. Broken governments in their countries make it impossible for them to get jobs.

The fact that the federal government has never been able to pass legislation on how to deal with the many illegal individuals in the country is part of the reason why the governor of Arizona decided to take matters in her own hand. The government has taken Arizona officials to court demanding that they change parts of the legislation and urging the judge to stop the bill altogether.

The legislation is very serious in that it allows the citizens of Arizona to take legal action against any police officer who does not adopt the SB 1070 legislation or who practices a passive policy by not enforcing the law. This provision is in Article 8, part G and is a powerful weapon that mandates all officers to abide by the new legislation in order to cut down on crime and border violence.

It is against federal law for an unauthorized individual to seek employment in the US without having the proper documentation. Even if a person is in a tough position, they cannot go and seek work as the relevant tax body in the country can seize their income and demand that they repay all of it before being deported. This is to ensure that jobs are not being taken by illegal aliens and leaving ordinary American citizens without work.

Opponents of this legislation say that it does not make sense because it is difficult to know who is a US citizen, permanent resident or even illegal alien. Moreover, just because an individual speaks Spanish more fluently than English does not mean they are illegal in the country. The crackdown can be offensive to legal individuals and natural born citizens who don't carry their documentation with them.

Other states such as Utah and Alabama have followed similar policies like those enacted by immigration law in Arizona. The issue remains divisive and has led many illegal aliens to marry US citizens or permanent residents in order to avoid being deported. Others choose another route- going back to their home countries.

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