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Friday 20 January 2012

The Peculiar Judgement Day Signs

By Geneva Anthony

Judgment is passing out a verdict to a person or persons on trial. The day is a day long awaited by Christians and other believers over time because they anticipate the coming back Jesus Christ the one and only son of God. The fateful day comes after some prophesied events happen. These events are commonly referred to as the Judgement Day Signs.

Fornication and rampant adultery form a part of these events. Fornication is defined as the act of having sex before marriage, many people especially the unmarried ones will have sex with their counter parts without caring about their religious teachings. Adultery, which is being unfaithful to the other sexual partner will be commonplace in society, neighbors will go to bed with each other spouse without caring.

Amongst the major occurrences is the coming of false prophets in the name of God. These prophets are a mimic to the real ones and will pretend to come with the word of the most high but in actual sense, they are out to cheat believers with their testimonies and teachings. The holy books specifically warn believers to be wary of such people.

Earthquake occurrences at a high frequency in different parts of the world are also categorized amongst the major events. Earthquakes are known to have devastating effects to both the living and the natural environmental settings. In the book of revelations, the occurrence of earthquakes is associated with the end of times.

Bloodshed will occur because of war between nations. Conflicts will arise out of simple and unworthy disagreements and people will shed blood in multitudes. The true sanctity of life will be trodden upon. Neighbors will also turn against one another and even commit murder as a solution to their ensuing conflict.

True these indicators prepare the way for the eventual coming of the true Christ. The good shall be separated from the wicked and judgment will be passed to those who did not observe religious teachings.

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