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Thursday 19 January 2012

An Overview On The Difference Between Republican And Democrat

By Lois Gordon

When an individual affiliates himself to a political party, he basically finds out the basic idea and philosophy that each candidate possesses, be it a republican or a democrat. One is also able to find out the core belief that each candidate has. Aside from these facts, there is a big difference between republican and democrat.

Republicans have a belief that everyone has a responsibility for his or her own place in society. They reason that governments should equip each person with the ability get hold of the benefits provided by society for their families, themselves and for those who are not capable of taking care of themselves.

In contrast, democrats believe that governments are responsible for caring for all people. They believe that this is necessary even if it means sacrificing some individual rights or subordinating enterprises and initiatives.

From an economic view, republicans strongly believe that the economic prowess of the United States is due to free enterprise. From their point of view, individuals are able to maximize on their talents only if the government accords them business environments in which they are free and without any limitations.

However, democrats are of the reasoning that since the economy is too complicated, individuals cannot navigate it on their own. They believe that in order to suit the general interests sought by labor unions, government officials should oversee all business decisions.

In addition to these facts, republicans work tirelessly in an effort to reduce government spending and to do away with government waste. Republicans believe that all tax increases should be authorized by the people.

In contrast to this, democrats believe that the government knows what is best for the citizens. Their point of view is that the tax burden necessary to meet the obligations of the government should be defined by the federal government, since it is too complicated for a single individual to understand.

Clearly, the difference between republican and democrat views are numerous.

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