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Monday 23 January 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation To Deliver Approximately $150,000 Worth of Supplies to Washington, DC

By Dexter Spinetti

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (, a non-profit veterans service organization that focuses on helping men and women who serve and return home wounded or sick after defending our safety and our freedom, is delivering approximately $150,000 worth of goods at the upcoming Winterhaven Homeless Veterans Stand Down event in Washington, DC, Saturday, January 21st.

The event is being organized by the Department of Veterans Affairs and any extra supplies will be stored and distributed by the VA to other veterans service groups in the area.

The shipments being made by DVNF will include blankets, jackets, clothing, hats, food, water, shoes and hygiene products. Stand Down events typically last from 1-3 days.

They are a directly impactful method used by the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide services and support to homeless veterans around the country by coordinating with other groups like DVNF. DVNF has supported a significant number of Stand Downs in 2011 around the country. The first Stand Down was organized in 1988 by a group of Vietnam Veterans in San Diego.

"We believe these Stand Down gatherings are an excellent and effective way to directly reach homeless veterans and let them know people care and are there to help," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF. "We are grateful to our many donors to be able to make a difference in the lives of thousands of veterans.

One of our main missions upon our founding was to help homeless veterans- which is a growing problem in our country and in this economy. The number of women veterans who find themselves homeless is on the rise and we are determined to do what we can to help. They deserve our help after all they have given to our nation."

About Disabled Veterans National Foundation: The Disabled Veterans National Foundation exists to change the lives of Veterans who came home wounded or sick after defending our safety and our freedom. A nonprofit 501(c)(3), DVNF was founded in 2007 by six women veterans to expand their scope of work within the veteran's community. DVNF has helped over 80,000 Veterans and donated over $8.6 million in goods and services in 2011. For more information, visit

Contact: Disabled Veterans National Foundation Raegan Rivers with DVNF, 202-737-0522 Chief Administrative Officer

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