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Friday 27 January 2012

A Brief Discussion Of The Different Sides Of The Political Spectrum

By Flintoff Horwilts

Politics came into existence alongside the emergence of the earliest societies that have some form of government. Over the years, political ideologies have been developed, some are embraced, and others shunned. The political positions that are in existence today are often categorized into left and right wing. Generally, the left consists of those who adhere to philosophies of progressivism, social liberalism and democracy, socialism, and communism while those on the right are those who follow philosophies of conservatism, capitalism, and nationalism. In the United States, the left and right are related to liberalism and conservativism, respectively, and are commonly linked to the Democratic Party and Republican Party in that order still.

Those who take a left-wing political stance promote egalitarianism, a doctrine which asserts that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil right. They also believe that government intervention in commercial and industrial sectors is necessary and are staunch advocates of policies that protect fundamental rights like freedom of expression and religion. They are also known to support for social policies that favor the racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities and the working class.

Those who take a right-wing political position on the other hand uphold conservative views. They believe that the government should reduce its role in regulating how banks, commercial establishments, and industries operate to provide these sectors greater freedom to ensure better growth. During discussions of right-wing politics, common sense conservative philosophies are frequently touched upon. Common sense conservatives believe that left-wing statesmen are mired in their imaginings of having an unattainable egalitarian society.

Those who hold common sense conservative views believe that instead of governing on the basis of "what should work", politicians should govern with "what has worked." Looking at conservative blogs you can see that adherents to this political philosophy support minimal change in society. Conservative blog owners and readers tend to also promote policies which follow or protect Christian and traditional family values.

Over the years, the distinction between the left and the right has become not as rigid, as it is possible for a person or a party to take a left-wing stance on one issue, and a right-wing stance on the other. Nonetheless, this variance in political ideologies will need to persist into the future because this will serve as a driving force that will propel a nation forward. Differences in political philosophies is necessary in legislation as it promotes extensive discussion, and provides assurance to the general population that policy proposals have been scrutinized from all angles before they are approved and executed.

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