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Thursday 19 January 2012

Aging Population Needs Attention From The Governing Authorities

By Gnifrus Urquart

People in the world of today are living longer and are healthier. Continuous growth of older people also presents challenges. Nations have to be familiar with the demographic actuality of aging population. So, the current policies can be adjusted in accordance with the growing challenges.

The nations are engaged in devising several models and methods to meet the challenges and one of the major reforms is in terms of pension. The facility of pension is a must, but needs more resources to go into the system to meet the requirements. The increase in aging population, however, clearly indicated the progress in terms of medical, economical and social areas.

The society does feel the burden in terms of social security and retirement funds. Basically, there are several factors such as economic growth, immigration, health and business practices affect the economy of the countries.

Total number of people in some countries is constantly declining too because they are living longer and have fewer children. Family structures have changed. Such circumstances have led in very fewer options remaining to take care of the elderly.

Newer economic challenges have emerged and some of the governments have already put in place some measures to handle the situation. But, these are not enough to meet the demand.

The human history shows that the number of children is always more and it appears that this trend is going to change soon. The number of elderly people will take over and the ratio will change. This change is happening in almost in all the countries of the world. This trend is seen as the life expectance has increased; it has almost doubled in some countries. People in the age bracket of 50-60 years are seeing their surviving parents.

Families have taken different shapes. Kids are not supporting the older people as much and this isolates the elderly. Elderly people need family support, support of the community and if they have no family then institutional support is a must.

The positive aspect is that the health position of elderly people is improving. Older people are able to lead active life for long. They are more aware of the role of activity in daily life. Their style of living is changing, in terms of activity, as most of them now go for regular walks. The role of family becomes more important as this group needs to be cared for.

The ratio of oldest varies in different countries, but is on the rise. This brings in pressure on the authorities, with respect to economic and health burdens. Public health programs must respond to the growing burden of illness, injuries and disabilities. Quick aging population is a big test for the health care systems.

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