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Sunday 22 January 2012

Information Technology - Current Events in India

By Lucia Baker

In a few brief decades of human history, information technology has permeated every corner of the world and every facet of the human experience. Nowhere is this phenomenon more marked than in India. India's high availability of technically trained workers, who are also multilingual, make it extremely competitive on the world economic stage. Indian Institutes of Technology are recognized for their excellence on an international scale.

How does this law affect Internet radio? It limits radio stations online from copyright infringement and streaming music without paying royalties and licensing fees. This law created a lot of controversy between traditional and radio stations on the Internet. In recent news, the controversy is shedding light again in Congress.

Recent economic downturns have affected India, not unlike other parts of the globe. However, recent events make an early recovery in India's information technology companies, promising. India's largest exporter of computer software, Tata Consultancy Services, Ltd. reports a 29% increase in second quarter 2009 profits. While the profits are attributed to both new orders and cost control decisions, it is not the only firm to report results that were better than anticipated. Infosys, as well is reporting an upswing. Overall, third quarter results are up around 16 billion rupees, as compared to last year's 13 billion during the same time period.

Record labels and recording artists miss out on money and recognition that is respectably theirs. Internet stations and other countries in the world pay the royalties to performers for their hard work to create amazing music and performances. Traditional radio stations in the United States are one of the only institutions that do not pay a royalty to the performer. The DMCA is unfair, and recording artists feel as if they are not being protected under the current copyright law.

Read the newspaper: Reading the newspaper, will not only give you information about the various events, but also help you in expanding your knowledge of words. Updating your vocabulary always helps.

Seek help from people: From assignments to be completed on time to homework and exams to be attended to, students find it difficult to allocate time to know the latest events. You can therefore ask your parents/friends to help you keep up-to-date of the events.

The ability to distribute telecommunications capability to outlying areas of the country allows for these areas to become resources for workforce talent. Nearly no information technology advancement that has occurred in the world over the last few decades without India's involvement or influence. The future seems to predict ongoing success.

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