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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Archery As A Hobby

By Owen Jones

We are all being encouraged to get out more frequently, so many people are looking for a reason for doing it. You could choose a spectator sport like football, but that is not really going to do your body much good, you should be looking for a participation sport.

If you are younger, then play soccer by all means, but if you are getting on a bit, you will most likely be looking for a sport that is not quite so taxing. Men like to take aim and shoot things even if not kill them. Golf is an option, but I want to suggest that you give archery a try.

Archery has the edge over shooting a gun because it requires some physical fitness. It is not just a question of pulling, sorry, squeezing a trigger. If you take up archery, you will most likely want to develop some more upper-body strength, especially if the heaviest work you have done for the last twenty years is pick up a pen.

Archery is an all-round sport in many ways, depending on how much you get into it. Most novices will start out by going to an archery club and joining in for the day. People will lend them a bow and teach them the safety aspects and the correct way to hold a bow and shoot an arrow. This should give you a good notion of which kind of bow you would like.

After a week or two, you might purchase your own bow and you might move from indoor target archery to outdoor target archery or even field archery, which is virtual hunting. From there, you will almost certainly meet people who take archery a stage further. You will meet competition archers, bow hunters and people who assemble their own equipment.

You might find one of these aspects of archery enthralling. You may take up bow hunting or even bow fishing. This will lead you off at a tangent, because you will have to learn about the animals that you hunt. You will have to learn where they live and what their lifestyles are. This means research.

Or you can take up the archery equivalent of clay pigeon shooting, which is called field archery. In field archery, the archers walk around a course and replica animals or standard targets will become visible at diverse distances. This is enjoyable.

You will also meet individuals who like to make their own arrows and even their own bows. This is another interesting aspect of archery. You can purchase the various components that go to make up an arrow and you can buy a kit to assemble a bow or you can start from scratch with an axe, a knife and a lathe. Again you will have to do a lot of research, in order to get your archery equipment just the way you want it.

This will take you down yet another tangent to archery, but it will improve your understanding of archery, augment your enjoyment of the sport and, as they say, add another string to your bow.

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