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Friday 20 January 2012

Keystone XL Pipeline: A Product of China

By David Adams

There's a lot of talk about the Keystone XL pipeline lately. These are some of my thoughts. Personally, I'm against it due to the fact it'll not simply raise gas costs, but it will also enhance the influence what other nations dictate upon our soil. It'll also not do something to reduce our power dependence upon foreign oil since oil is actually a global commodity.

Some say that they'd rather send Canada funds for oil than the Middle East. Well initial off, it is China and also other countries which will be buying the majority of the oil, not the U.S. China currently has investment into various oil sand projects in Canada, even as a lot as 60% stake, but because Canadians are fiercely rejecting a pipeline proposal in Western Canada, they've been seeking in the Keystone XL pipeline as another route.

Even when we drilled as a lot oil as achievable, the oil is actually a global item, which means that it is going to be sold to the highest bidder, which might be any country on the planet, therefore furthering our dependence upon oil. Gas rates will constantly continue to climb as long as there's a high global demand. The only way for the oil rates to ever come down is if there is a low Global demand.

There are other nations that are producing investment into Canadian oil for example Australia and Thailand so the Keystone XL pipeline will help provide the wants of many countries not simply in Australia, Thailand and China, but also Latin America and Europe. Remember the crisis from the oil pipeline crossing Ukraine from Russia to Europe? The Keystone XL pipeline will give Europe one more avenue for oil should that crisis happen once again. So in other words, there's a high demand by other countries for Canadian oil, and also because the oil is coming from a country that is certainly stable, and not owned by the government, as it is owned by unstable countries inside the Middle East.

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