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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Anti-Obama Bumper Stickers Becoming More Visible By The Day

By Lois Gordon

Anti-Obama bumper stickers have, over the last couple of years, become a common sight on the highways. The rapid decline of this President's job approval numbers has corresponded with a rapid increase in the number of these opposition messages. In fact, he sometimes seems to be less popular than a hurricane in many regions of the nation.

Setting aside the humor for a moment, it is important to understand that this is nothing new in American politics. For more than two centuries, every occupant of the White House has had to endure the slings and arrows of his political opponents. The message may change over time, but the modes of attack remain fundamentally similar in many ways.

As one might expect, there is a great deal of variety in the types of opposition messages that can be found on any given sticker. Some are sharply critical of his policy goals, some question his qualifications, and many still attempt to take a swipe at his legal eligibility to serve.

These items are easier to find than they were decades ago, since the advent of internet commerce has made it a simple matter to locate anything of a political nature. There are a variety of websites online that offer these products, and there are even some available directly from the Republican Party.

And while some might be offended by these opposition messages, it is important to remember that few of those people complained when the same type of opposition humor was used against past presidents of the other party. The fact is that these messages are a very American way of expressing disapproval.

There is simply no getting around the fact that this form of opposition is among the most peaceful methods for protest available to citizens in the nation. And as long as this President's policies fail to improve the country, anti-Obama bumper stickers will become an even more commonly seen sight. anti-obama bumper stickers

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