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Sunday 22 January 2012

All About Texas Railroad Commissioner

By Amy Nichols

The most efficient regulatory body found in the country is the railroad commission led by the best Texas railroad commissioner. This body has greatly influenced both the supply and price of oil and natural gas in whole of the US. It was initially establish to oversee railroads.

Since the beginning of 20th century, this commission has been regulating intrastate railroads. It has added trucks and buses to its responsibilities of transportation. Its importance to both the nation and state has rested on the authority it has over the industry of energy.

In 1917, the commission was given the authority of seeing that petroleum pipelines remained the common carriers. The commissioners had the responsibility of well spacing rule, two years later. This responsibility enabled them to expand the organization enormously in the following decade.

The commissioners that were selected were the ones that really understood the importance and the roles carried by this commission. Economy of Texas has always been improved by the industry concerned with oil and natural gas. The commissioners played a massive role in seeing that the organization operated accordingly. They also protected their customers interest as well as their own.

The commission has been effective in providing employment opportunities to the people. It was important to select the best commissioner who really understood the market and the need for increase manpower. As a result, jobs were created to cater for the increase in demand for the resources in this area. This had an effect of expanding the organization through the commissioners hard work.

There are enormous resources and reserves filing up the region. Such include the following; natural gas, wind, solar and even coal. The resources mentioned have always pointed to the brighter future of the nation and state as a whole. There proper utilization and maintenance is made possible through the hand of an excellent Texas railroad commissioner. texas railroad commissioner

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