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Wednesday 12 June 2013

What You Need To Know About Home Energy Audit Phoenix

By Freida McCall

There are many things about a home energy audit Phoenix homeowners should know of before they start looking for an auditor to carry out the survey. For instance, these audits are not offered free of charge, the normally cost some money. After the survey has been done, the auditor will make recommendations. These recommendations need to be implemented. Homeowners should know the scope and objectives of the survey even before it begins.

An energy audit is simply a survey carried out to determine the energy needs of a home and how consumption can be minimized. The main objective is to reduce consumption without reducing the level of comfort of the user. Increased efficiency often results when the recommendations of the survey are implemented.

After a survey, recommendations are normally made. The client should always implement the proposals put forth by the auditor. However, there is need to prioritize because some recommendations may be very costly to implement, but the power savings may be negligible. Cost and savings must therefore be analyzed hand in hand before implementation of any recommendation.

The temperatures in Phoenix are always very high. The problem is therefore with air conditioning, and not heating. One of the best ways to cool the home is to have roof ventilation. The windows and doors to the house should also be large so as to ensure proper ventilation and circulation of air. Implementation of these measures will ensure that reliance on air conditioning machines is minimized.

It is now a well known fact that incandescent lamps consume a lot of power compared to LEDs and fluorescent lamps. Homeowners are urged to make the switch to these energy saving lighting fixtures so as to lower their electricity bills. Another advantage of these fixtures is that they produce very bright light that is easy on the eyes.

When in need of auditing services, it is important that you hire a technician or auditor who is registered with reputable global bodies. The auditor should also be licensed to operate in the city of Phoenix, and with a valid practicing license. The cost of the survey should also be reasonable. Since different auditors normally charge different rates, you may want to consider comparing prices to ensure that you save some money.

Most auditors who work in the city of Phoenix would recommend installation of solar based systems. The good news is that there are many incentives in the state that are meant to help homeowners to offset the cost of buying and installing the necessary hardware. Electricity and hot water produced by solar panels can save the homeowner a lot of money.

Audits are normally carried out based on a clearly defined set of procedures. Some states in the U. S even mandate property owners to have their commercial properties audited after certain intervals. Before you sign any contract or legally binding document, it is important that you check the insurance policy of the technician to ensure that you are not exposing yourself to unnecessary liability by hiring him or her.

A home energy audit Phoenix residents should know, can only be carried out by a qualified individual. The good news is that most professionals nowadays have an online presence, so they can be found easily on the internet. Service providers who have many years of experience should always be given priority.

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