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Tuesday 4 June 2013

Social Security Status, You May Have Been Lied Too

By Chris Bryant

Social Security Status Is Not What You Think It Is.

I'm bringing you the low down about your social security status and facts you may not know. Sit back as I take you on this educational ride as you gain in-site about the government. Social Security is the foundation of economic security for millions of Americans"retirees, disabled persons, and families of retired, disabled or deceased workers. About 162 million Americans pay and have a Social Security Status. The maximum Social Security benefit for a worker retiring at the 2010 full retirement age (66) is $2,346 a month. Workers and employers pay for Social Security. Workers pay 6.2 percent of their earnings. Employers pay a matching amount for a combined contribution of 12.4 percent of earnings. Self-employed people pay both the employee and employer share for a total 12.4 percent.

There Is A Big Social Security Status Problem.

Also, higher-income Social Security beneficiaries pay federal income taxes on their benefit income and these taxes help pay for Social Security. About 54 million people collect Social Security benefits each month, and they account for about one in six people in the United States. The full benefit age was 65, and early retirement benefits were first available at age 62, with a permanent reduction to 80 percent of the full benefit amount.

1 in 10 Americans age 65 and older is very poor. Half would be poor if they had to rely only on their other income. Our life expectancy was not meant to compliment our social security status. They actually work against each other.

The Board of Trustees use projections from the office of Chief Actuary to make assumptions in their annual report to Congress. These assumptions are used to generated stuff about population growth, including births and a lot more.

In 2015 benefits would start to exceed tax income. In 2025, spending for benefits would exceed revenues. The cash to redeem the bonds may come from several sources, like increased taxes, borrowing through the public sale of Treasury securities or reductions in other federal government spending.

Seems as though the people that are a going to rely on their social security status may be alright, though they want you living in fear of the whole project failing.

Worst case scenario, the program will be depleted in 2029 instead of 2037. The best case scenario, Americans will be OK for 75 years and beyond, so they say.

Come on now my Friend, you should not depend on something that isn't as solid as your social security status. Food for thought, you heard about that Enron scandal. Don't deprive yourself of your dreams to follow the American dream. It's about YOU, remember that. Time to bring the inner leader out and act as a entrepreneur. If you want leadership tips and marketing strategies and a FREE video about a viral blogging system that can help you start on your successful journey as a true entrepreneur, click on this link in a rush social security status won't save you.

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