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Saturday 29 June 2013

Notable Functions Of Unions Australia

By Estela Bolton

With the eminent growth of unions Australia government is at the fore front to encourage its citizens who are employed to join such organizations in order to better their lives as far as living and working conditions are concerned. Such associations are lobby groups for their plight and representations during meetings with various stakeholders in the employment sector. The government intervention is for them to join the groups and enjoy the benefits of being members.

It is for a beneficial clause being a member. A lot of things which the person could not have done as an individual will be voiced through such forums, and the assurance of being heard and acted upon are very high. This is because the unions have a leadership structure which represents the entire people under their leadership on different aspects.

The functions given to such bodies by the laws governing them are numerous. The first one is fighting for the privileges of their members at the work places. They draw their power from the law to petition and challenge employers using the right channels when it comes to increasing salaries for workers as per the trends within the economy. Others are better working conditions and insurance protection from injuries incurred while on the job, and medical expenses.

It is a major responsibility bestowed in them. They carry out this by seeking audience with the relevant employers for negotiations and presenting their case. Where an agreement has not been reached, these associations have the right to use other measures to force the companies concerned to come in agreement with them. These are calling for strikes and employing a go-slow approach while on the jobs.

Educating their members on various issues within the society is another work the management of such associations has been given. This entails offering training services unto them on matters of technology, finances and those of human rights as workers. For financial freedom and diversity in income, they equip their affiliates on how to invest and earn more from such investments. They also give them knowledge on trends involving evolution of technology and financial markets. Regarding work, they are sensitized on working rights for them not to be undermined at their job places.

Slightly related to the right of workers, there is enhancement of campaigns necessary in establishing a favorable world free from pollution for all. In this mandate, they petition the government and judicial systems to act on this current issue so as these cases are minimized. Additionally, they encourage their members to check on this matter.

Offering of various services aimed at betterment of lives of these workers is a notable function undertaken by them. This involves giving them subsidized goods and services for purchase and also low interest rates with favorable terms for emergencies and other financial needs.

All these pertain to the general aspects for all of them. In this case of unions Australia residents who are employed are highly encouraged to join such institutions as a way of safeguarding and having better life and work place at all times.

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