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Sunday 23 June 2013

Another Conservative Vs Liberal Argument

By Lana Bray

A lot of people who don't know much about politics are starting to search for terms about the conservative vs liberal debates and discussions. Many people from both parties get aggressive about this subject matter on forums spread right around the internet. Unfortunately, it does not do them any good, because the policies have not changed.

If one looks at the stats, then you can see it is the older generation that are mostly concerned about things like health care and schooling. Most republicans feel that they were promised so much, and now they feel cheated. These are the views mostly of those living in the South of America who really had a lot of faith in the president a couple of years ago.

It is mostly the older generation that are outraged by certain policies that are laid in front of them. These include health care and schooling as well as gun control. This is not something that conservatives believe has been met or totally agree with. There are many of these people in Texas and Virginia who don't support the president in anyway, and always have something bad to say.

On the other hand, the conservatives do not have this view point at all. They believe that providing jobs and health benefits are very important. They feel that this promise has not been carried out, and this is their gripe about the situation in the United States. They did not vote for the current president, and this is why the voting was so close.

Recently gun control has become a big problem all over America. This is something that the president wants to look into. It is also supported by the liberal party because they feel that there will be less shooting if guns were banned altogether. There have been some serious shootings in schools, and this is something that bothers a lot of people.

There are many young people, who are nicknamed hipsters. These are the people that some compare to the hippies of the sixties. They have strong values and beliefs, and they talk about certain issues relating to the liberal party. These young people are often based in Seattle, but the conservatives often just get annoyed with them.

Liberals tend to be more educated than the conservative. There are universities in areas where republicans tend to reside, but they are not as well-known as places like New York and California. Many republicans stick to themselves, but democrats like to mix. This is especially true of the younger generation.

One can say as a young democrat, you will expect to find that they have a certain set of beliefs which stand out strong. They will talk about this amongst groups of people, who are similar in nature. It is important to them that needs are met, and this refers to the poor as well as those who just need a helping hand. These are the basics you will find between the conservative vs liberal standards.

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